TANI KATINGAN/Desember/2017
By: Elie Suratno, SP
Samba Bakumpai
At a glance Folklore About '' Lake Mare ''.what is Lake Mare, and where the lake is located and what stories are stored like pearls are very valuable in one of the documentation of the struggle to seize the Indonesian Independence During the Revolution to maintain independence.
How to continue the story of Lake mare in a piece of story in the title above will we review in a brief but meaningful folklore to remember the past.
Lake Mare is a lake located in Katingan Tengah district, Katingan district, Central Kalimantan province (borneo) '' Lake Mare a lake formed from a katingan river extending from the upper reaches of the foothills of one of the northern districts of the katingan district and empties into the southern part of the river mouth or the sea of Java the edge of this river is located in one district katingan kuala (pagatan).
Long story short of how Lake Mare becomes a Lake, we will give an idea.Mare lakes formed from a river that was cut off because of the new river line that cut off the main river and the river formed into the main river channel so that the cut river is not necessarily and does not become the path of the rapid flow of river water from upstream to become a Lake "and in Namakan by residents in the village of Samba Bakumpai" Lake Mare '' because it is geographically behind the village of Samba Bakumpai.This lake is not only for the villagers of Samba Bakumpai but anyone can visit and can find fish and so there.
In ancient times the mare lake was very rich in biological resources such as the number of fish, shells (keripak) in the local language called a kind of edible freshwater mussels, formerly fish and keripak very much in this lake, but over the times and changing times, fish and shellfish and biological resources are stored and become the pride of the local community gradually reduced, many factors that make the biological resources are reduced are as follows:
The existence of siltation of the lake so that water becomes receded into it makes fish fish difficult to grow, second is the increasing number of population so that many also look for fish is not proportional to its reproduction fish- fish to breed.and many other factors.
Now this mare lake will be the center of tourism with the construction of several facilities Dermaga House, guesthouse house or a kind of house for shelter for tourists, and some other tourist facilities by the government, but the hope is to grow and advance tourism in this lake is still in action further development, hopefully this mare lake can be an icon of the development of tourism in Katingan Regency thus making the Regional Revenue from the Tourism sector.
How about the story of the history of the struggle in the lake mare we will quote from the story of GRRI struggle? "The period of physical revolution to defend the Independence, there are many battles carried out by the fighters from Kalimantan, one of the Lake of Mare War (Tumbang Samba, Katingan - Central Kalimantan).in the battle of Lake Mare is a lot of fighters who joined the fight, managed to drive and killed the Dutch Warriors. But ironically, many people do not know this historic event.with this writing it is expected that the heroic events taking place in Lake Mare -Katingan, Central Kalimantan can be widely known.
So glimpse the lake mare story and the beautiful charm of lake mare and what is contained therein.
language Indonesian
Bagai mana Kelanjutan kisah Danau mare dalam sepenggal cerita dalam judul diatas akan kita ulas dalam cerita rakyat yang singkat namun berarti untuk mengingat masa lampau.
By: Elie Suratno, SP
Samba Bakumpai
At a glance Folklore About '' Lake Mare ''.what is Lake Mare, and where the lake is located and what stories are stored like pearls are very valuable in one of the documentation of the struggle to seize the Indonesian Independence During the Revolution to maintain independence.
How to continue the story of Lake mare in a piece of story in the title above will we review in a brief but meaningful folklore to remember the past.
Lake Mare is a lake located in Katingan Tengah district, Katingan district, Central Kalimantan province (borneo) '' Lake Mare a lake formed from a katingan river extending from the upper reaches of the foothills of one of the northern districts of the katingan district and empties into the southern part of the river mouth or the sea of Java the edge of this river is located in one district katingan kuala (pagatan).
Long story short of how Lake Mare becomes a Lake, we will give an idea.Mare lakes formed from a river that was cut off because of the new river line that cut off the main river and the river formed into the main river channel so that the cut river is not necessarily and does not become the path of the rapid flow of river water from upstream to become a Lake "and in Namakan by residents in the village of Samba Bakumpai" Lake Mare '' because it is geographically behind the village of Samba Bakumpai.This lake is not only for the villagers of Samba Bakumpai but anyone can visit and can find fish and so there.
In ancient times the mare lake was very rich in biological resources such as the number of fish, shells (keripak) in the local language called a kind of edible freshwater mussels, formerly fish and keripak very much in this lake, but over the times and changing times, fish and shellfish and biological resources are stored and become the pride of the local community gradually reduced, many factors that make the biological resources are reduced are as follows:
The existence of siltation of the lake so that water becomes receded into it makes fish fish difficult to grow, second is the increasing number of population so that many also look for fish is not proportional to its reproduction fish- fish to breed.and many other factors.
Now this mare lake will be the center of tourism with the construction of several facilities Dermaga House, guesthouse house or a kind of house for shelter for tourists, and some other tourist facilities by the government, but the hope is to grow and advance tourism in this lake is still in action further development, hopefully this mare lake can be an icon of the development of tourism in Katingan Regency thus making the Regional Revenue from the Tourism sector.
How about the story of the history of the struggle in the lake mare we will quote from the story of GRRI struggle? "The period of physical revolution to defend the Independence, there are many battles carried out by the fighters from Kalimantan, one of the Lake of Mare War (Tumbang Samba, Katingan - Central Kalimantan).in the battle of Lake Mare is a lot of fighters who joined the fight, managed to drive and killed the Dutch Warriors. But ironically, many people do not know this historic event.with this writing it is expected that the heroic events taking place in Lake Mare -Katingan, Central Kalimantan can be widely known.
So glimpse the lake mare story and the beautiful charm of lake mare and what is contained therein.
language Indonesian
Oleh : Elie Suratno, SP
Samba Bakumpai
Selayang pandang cerita rakyat Tentang ‘’Danau Mare ‘’ . Apa itu Danau Mare, dan dimana danau itu berada serta cerita apa yang tersimpan bagaikan mutiara yang sangat bernilai dalam salah satu dokumentasi perjuangan merebut Kemerdekaan Bangsa Indonesia Pada masa Revolusi mempertahankan kemerdekaan.
Bagai mana Kelanjutan kisah Danau mare dalam sepenggal cerita dalam judul diatas akan kita ulas dalam cerita rakyat yang singkat namun berarti untuk mengingat masa lampau.
Danau Mare merupakan sebuah danau yang berada di kecamatan Katingan Tengah, Kabupaten Katingan, Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah (borneo) ‘’Danau Mare sebuah danau yang terbentuk dari sebuah sungai katingan yang memanjang dari bagian hulu di kaki bukit raya salah satu kecamatan bagian utara kabupaten katingan dan bermuara di bagian selatan berada di muara sungai atau laut jawa bagian ujung sungai ini berada di salah satu kecamatan katingan kuala (pagatan).
Singkat cerita tentang Bagaimana Danau Mare itu menjadi sebuah Danau, akan kita berikan gambaran. Danau Mare terbentuk dari sebuah sungai yang terputus jalurnya karena adanya bentukan jalur sungai baru yang memotong sungai induk lalu sungai bentukan tersebut menjadi jalur sungai utama sehingga sungai yang dipotong tersebut jadi tidak ber -arus dan tidak menjadi jalur aliran derasnya air sungai dari bagian hulu sehingga menjadi sebuah Danau “ dan di Namakan oleh penduduk di Desa Samba Bakumpai " Danau Mare’’ karena secara geografis berada di belakang Desa Samba Bakumpai. Danau ini tidak hanya untuk penduduk orang desa samba bakumpai tetapi siapa saja boleh berkunjung serta dapat mencari ikan dan sebagainya disana.
Pada waktu zaman dahulu danau mare ini sangat kaya akan sumber daya hayatinya seperti banyaknya ikan, kerang (keripak) dalam bahasa lokal menyebut sejenis kerang air tawar yang bisa dimakan, dulu-dulunya ikan dan keripak sangat banyak di danau ini, namun seiring perkembangan zaman dan zaman berganti zaman maka ikan dan kerang serta sumber daya hayati yang tersimpan dan menjadi kebanggaan masyarakat penduduk lokal berangsur – angsur berkurang, banyak faktor yang membuat sumber daya hayati tersebut berkurang adalah sebagai berikut :
Adanya pendangkalan danau sehingga air menjadi surut kedalamnya membuat ikan ikan sulit berkembang, kedua adalah semakin banyaknya penduduk sehingga banyak juga yang mencari ikan tak sebanding dengan reproduksi nya ikan- ikan untuk berkembang biak. Dan banyak faktor lainnya.
Sekarang Danau mare ini akan dijadikan central wisata dengan dibangunnya beberapa fasilitas Rumah Dermaga, rumah guest house atau sejenis rumah untuk berteduh bagi wisatawan, dan beberapa fasilitas wisata lainnya oleh pemerintah, namun yang menjadi harapan adalah bisa berkembang dan majunya wisata di danau ini masih dalam tindak lanjut pembangunan, semoga saja danau mare ini bisa menjadi icon kemajuan pembangunan pariwisata di Kabupaten Katingan sehingga menjadikan Pendapatan Daerah dari sektor Pariwisata.
Bagaimanakah cerita tentang sejarah perjuangan di danau mare akan kita kutip dari cerita perjuangan GRRI ‘’ Masa revolusi fisik mempertahankan Kemerdekaan, banyak terjadi pertempuran yang dilakukan oleh pejuang-pejuang dari Kalimantan, salah satunya Perang Danau Mare (Tumbang Samba, Katingan - Kalimantan Tengah ). Dalam pertempuran Danau Mare ini banyak pejuang yang ikut bertempur, berhasil mengusir dan menewaskan Prajurit Belanda. Tetapi ironisnya, masyarakat banyak yang tidak tahu peristiwa bersejarah ini. Dengan tulisan ini diharapkan agar peristiwa heroik yang terjadi di Danau Mare -Katingan, Kalimantan Tengah dapat diketahui secara luas.
Demikian sekilas cerita danau mare serta pesona asri danau mare dan apa yang terkandung didalamnya.
Demikian sekilas cerita danau mare serta pesona asri danau mare dan apa yang terkandung didalamnya.
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